
The infographic “Thinking Inside the Box” highlights the significant role of packaging in retail, emphasizing that 99% of retailers believe packaging quality is crucial for customer satisfaction, with 52% considering it very important. It reveals a varied perception among retailers about their packaging standards compared to competitors: 31% think their packaging stands out, 52% view it as equal, and 10% see it as inferior.

The evaluation of packaging often focuses on protection, brand value, and cost-effectiveness. However, factors like cost, time, and complexity can hinder packaging improvements. Sustainability emerges as a critical factor, deemed important by 98% of retailers and 94% of customers. The infographic also points out the growing influence of social media unboxing videos, with 58% of retailers very aware of their impact, underscoring the relevance of these factors in making commercial packaging decisions. This demonstrates a clear link between effective packaging strategies and enhanced customer experiences, stressing the importance of innovation and responsiveness in packaging practices.