Case Study

Comprehensive Rebranding and Outreach Initiative for All Care Community Health

Client: All Care Community Health

Industry: Healthcare (Non-profit)

Project Duration: January 2024 – April 2024

Objective: Revitalize the brand and enhance community engagement to improve access to healthcare services. 


All Care Community Health, a non-profit healthcare center, sought to improve its engagement with the local community and update its public image to reflect its commitment to inclusive and accessible healthcare services. The project involved a complete overhaul of the brand, including visual identity and community outreach programs, to better serve and connect with a diverse patient base.


The main challenges included overcoming the existing perceptions of the healthcare center as outdated and disconnected from the needs of a changing community demographic. Additionally, there was a need to integrate modern digital tools into their outreach strategies to reach a broader audience effectively.


Brand Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement

Conducted thorough interviews with stakeholders including staff, patients, and community leaders to inform the brand’s new direction.

Visual Identity Development

Created a new logo and a cohesive style guide that included modern color palettes, typefaces, and imagery, conveying “inclusivity & trust.”

Rolled out new branding materials, including internal and external signage, promotional materials, and digital assets.

Community Outreach and Feedback

Launched a series of patient feedback surveys, focusing on emotional reaction to changes in brand.

Digital Transformation

Redesigned the organization’s website for enhanced user experience, mobile compatibility, and improved information accessibility. 

Developed a targeted social media campaign that significantly increased engagement through educational posts, community stories, and health tips.


Patient Engagement: The organizations Patient, Health & Quality department noticed a substantial increase in new patient sign-ups and volunteer submissions since the rebrand.

Brand Awareness: Achieved a 60% increase in brand recognition within the community through integrated marketing and branding efforts. 

Digital Impact: Website traffic rose by 50%, now allowing patients to sign-up for appointments instead of only allowing appointments by phone.


Design: Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Design

Web Development: WordPress, HTML5, CSS3 

Analytics and Social Media: Google Analytics, Sprout Social

Final Thoughts

This was a very moving project to be a part of, and I could not be more satisfied with our outcome. The rebranding and outreach initiative for All Care Community Health not only transformed the organization’s image but also significantly improved its engagement with the community it serves.